The $ is used as the character by which to split the string ... eg assume for sake of demo that oFindInRange is A1 ... the .Address of which would be "$A$1" (based on code)
The "$A$1" is subsequently Split based on $ and a three value zero based array is created... namely:
0 - string before first $
1 - string after first $ and before second $
2 - string after second $
the above values can be accessed at the same time as the Split call (as per your example), eg:
in much the same way that we can access cells etc
or by passing the Split to a Variant and processing from that, eg:
If the intention is to process only one element then the first approach is logical.
If however the requirement is such that you will want to process multiple/all resulting values of the Split then storing the output in a Variant Array is the more logical approach given the Split is executed only once. would seem that based on the code you provided you are extracting the column letter from a Range address.