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Formula to handle data

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    Question Formula to handle data

    Hi there,

    Would need your expertise to advice on how to create a formula to handle the following data in order to produce the desired output below.

    I have some data in Sheet 1 and the corresponding data in Sheet2. The output is in Output Sheet.

    If the data in Sheet1, "Student1" match the data in Sheet2, "Student1", then it will copy all the entries for Student1 in other worksheet with the header "Student1" (Output Sheet).

    The same thing goes to other Student in the list. For this sample, I only provide a short list of data in Sheet2, it can be long, more than 5 students.

    Please refer to the attached file for sample data.

    Student1 | Student2 | Student3 | Student4 | Student5

    Student2 | Student5 | Student3 | Student4 | Student1
    aaa | aaa | fff | aaa | aaa
    ddd | fff | ccc | ccc | bbb
    eee | ccc | ccc | ddd | ccc
    ccc | ddd | ddd | eee | ddd
    eee | eee | eee | bbb | eee
    bbb | bbb | aaa | fff | fff

    Student1 | Student2 | Student3 | Student4 | Student5
    aaa | aaa | fff | aaa | aaa
    bbb | ddd | ccc | ccc | fff
    ccc | eee | ccc | ddd | ccc
    ddd | ccc | ddd | eee | ddd
    eee | eee | eee | bbb | eee
    fff | bbb | aaa | fff | bbb

    Would appreciate if you could help to produce a formula to handle this data.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    - Peter
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by SmallJack; 02-01-2010 at 05:54 AM.

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