Attached is a workbook that takes an imported text file, inserts rows with text.
It is SLOW, you can watch each line being inserted with the text, I would think with such a small sample dataset it would be much much quicker.
Information: See attached xls file.
On sheet1 is the imported data, sheet2 is a copy of the imported data so one can copy and paste to sheet1 as needed with out re-importing for test purposes and only for this query. (Sheets2 thru 3 are not used otherwise).
There is a command button on sheet one which will run macro "aaa". If you run this you will see how slow it is and exactly what it is doing.
I am simply looking for a way to speed this up, I have some files that are 10 times the size of the sample data and they take 10 or more minutes to run.
Be aware! I am not a professional VBA programmer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
Any hints, tips or examples are welcome.