Hi all,

i am running some code which loops through the pivot table on a sheet and applies a filter. Not all of the pivot tables have the filter field though. Is there something i can do to test whether the filed is on the pivot first??

i have this...
For Each pivotTbl In pivotSht.PivotTables
    pivotNm = pivotTbl.Name
        pivotSht.PivotTables(pivotNm).PivotFields("tier").CurrentPage = "(All)"
        With pivotSht.PivotTables(pivotNm).PivotFields("tier")
            .PivotItems("1").Visible = True
            .PivotItems("2").Visible = True
            .PivotItems("NP").Visible = True
        End With
..but if the filed 'tier' doesn;t exist i ge an error.
