I’m sure this is a relatively simple fix, but I’m unable to find the answer.
This code is part of a routine that copies and pastes from “CASH RECEIPTS” sheet to “YEARLY TOTALS” sheet in the same workbook.
rngCash is assigned as a Range variable .
In the various fixes I’ve tried, the code worked to varying degrees. Now I’m confused.
Any help would be appreciated.
'Assigns the variable "rngCash" to the first non-empty cell in "B1"
With ThisWorkbook
‘Object variable or With block variable not set : Variant/Integer’
Set rngCash = DestSh.Range("B1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
rngCash(0, 1).Value = Dcell.Value
rngCash(0, 2).Value = "Cash"
rngCash(0, 3).Value = " ----------"
rngCash(0, 4).Value = Rcell.Value
rngCash(0, 5).Value = " ---
rngCash(0, 6).Value = Abbrev
rngCash(0, 7).Value = " ---"
End With
There is a workbook attached for reference
The Macro is “LoopHell”