I developed a database for tracking our Search and Rescue activities on an annual basis; this usually involves ~140 calls per year. Amongst other things, we log the time the call came in. The time is entered in numbers format, not text, as I couldn't figure out how to get a time range (09:30, etc.) to work. It's like military time...0015, 0945, 1730, etc., so in numbers format, 0930 comes out as "930", 0030 as "30", etc. I developed a tracking column in one hour increments...0000-0059, 0100-0159, etc. Each time a call is entered and the time logged, I'd like to keep a sum total down in the time range column...so a call received at 0930 would end up in the 0900-0959 box. Among other things, I tried formatting with, "=COUNTIF (range:range, ">0900, <0959") but that doesn't work.
Can someone suggest a formula that will work, in either numbers format, or, more preferably, "time" format. Thanks in advance!