I would like to use a defined name in a function, but I would like the function to reference a cell that has the name in it as opposed to putting the name in the function (e.g. if cell A2 has the name I have defined, I want the function to reference cell A2 and act like it normally would if I just placed the name in the function).
I have different names that look up different workbooks (2Q2009, 3Q2009, etc.) Each row in my sheet will look up a different workbook, and I just want to be able to drag the formula down the rows and have it look up the correct name, instead of having to go into every row and change the name in the function. So, I want to be able to list all the names on one worksheet and have the functions adjust the name in the function correspondingly. So, dragging the formula down will put in the name in A2, then the different name in A3, than the different name in A4, etc.
Is there anyway to reference names instead of putting the name in the formula?
I apologize for the post being so convoluted. Please let me know I can clarify my issue any further. Thank you!