Hello friends,
Is there a way to auto-paste a formula in column downwards, depending on the inputs provided in other sheet or a cell-value specified in second sheet.
Let me explain this -
a) Worksheet2 is linked with worksheet1 for certain columns.
b) End-user is allowed to fill data only in sheet2.
c) I want to increase my rows downwards in columns in sheet1, depending on the inputs made in sheet2 (column-A) by end-user.
Worksheet 1:-
This is the main sheet having all formulas.
I have a different formulas in column "A" to "Z."
Inputs to this columns comes from sheet2.
Worksheet 2:-
As soon as user starts filling contents in colomn-A on sheet2, this is fed (linked) as input to sheet1.
a) At times, user may enter data on 2 rows in sheet2-column"A" then my sheet1 should automatically fill formulas in 2 rows in sheet1-column"A to Z".
b) If user enters 10 rows of data in sheet2, then my sheet1 should be ready with 10 rows of formula.
(My limitation is I cannot pre-drag formulas in sheet1, so as not to depend on end-user entries, this is because I have a VB program which terminates properly if it finds next blank row in this sheet1, else it runs in errors.)
In summary, want to auto-paste formulas in sheet1, depending on the end-user entries made in sheet2-"A" column. But if this is not possible, then I can ask end-user to pre-define a value - in one of the cell in sheet2 for the amount of entries he will input. If he enters the value 5, then I should be able to auto-paste formulas in sheet1 (col A to Z) for 5 rows.
That means, when end-user enters a value of say 10 in a specified cell. Then depending on this value, the formula in sheet1-column A to Z should get pasted downwards into 10 rows.
Since the end-user is not allowed to work on sheet1, he cannot drag the formula's downwards in sheet1, so I was wondering if this can be done either ways above or any other techniques.
Thanks in advance.