Annual Leave Planner 2010.xlsmHello Everyone,
I desperately need some help with an excel sheet used to counting annual holidays and sickness. I have never used VBA before and whatever I have done is not working at all.
I have attached my sheet and I hope somebody will be able to help me.
Use the top 5 as an example (Rows 4-8)
In the red Column, I would like it to SUMIF the cells along the rest of the row are red.
In the green Colum, I would like it to SUMIF the cells along the rest of the row green,
I hope this makes sense. Red stands for holiday and green for sick. I just want totals of the amount of sick and holidays each person has taken.
Perhaps my F-Column is messing things up. It is supposed to be C+D-E if that makes sense. Sorry, I am pretty Clueless
Is there an easier way to do this? Or can someone help me please.
Thank-you very very much