I need a detailed guidance for the self project that I do. I am planning to do it with Excel Macros.
Option 1. The users have a application interface where they can key in the data.
Option 2. They can key-in the same details through the excel sheet that I provide as well.
Ex: There are 10 columns and 10 rows in a sheet. I want to validate every column/cell to hold just the format of data that I want.
Assume: Row 1 should always be the header. Details enetered in column A should be a item code(say 1001), column B should only have decimals with no fraction.
Thus the complete (10 X 10) should be validated and the users should not be able to enter anything apart from what format was assigned for that cell. Otherwise it should throw the error and user should make the correction at that moment itself.
When entering the data via the application interface I want all that happens completes it validation at Excel itself and the error should not come outside.(Application Interface Error should not come)
Is it with Macros that I should proceed with or any other option is there?
Thanks for reading with patience. And even the smallest bit of advice/guidance could help me. Has anyone else did similar projects? Please share and guide me.