Okay so here's my plan. I already have an excel sheet that acts as an electronic envelop system. The problem is that you have to enter each item in manually and it is spread out across three different worksheets within the workbook. It's clunky and time consuming.
Here's what I want to do. I have an allocation system that I made that let's me put in a given amount of income and spread it out throughout my different budgeting categories. I want to put the 'envelops' right next to it so that everything is on the same page, then have a macro that will let me get the allocations set how I want, then submit them to add or subtract the allocated amounts from the envelops. It seems very simple, but I don't know much about macros. I'm pretty good with formulas, but can't get this to work without a circular iteration, and I have a hunch that this is macro territory anyway.
Can anybody help me figure out the macro for this? There is a copy of what I have been working on attached. Thanks guys!