Let me explain my requirement with example.
I have a Number of fields in Sheet 1.
Lets say I have the below three fields in Sheet 1
Name DOB Address
Each time I fill in this data and I press a submit button at the bottom of the sheet 1 (which needs to be configured) the data from sheet 1 should get transferred to another sheet having the same template of fields. This second sheet would be the master sheet.
After submitting, sheet 1 should get refreshed and the Sheet 2 should have the data.
When I enter a second set of data and press the Submit button, the second set of data should get appended below the first set of data already present in Sheet 2.
In the same way for next set of data and so on.
Here is the coding

Sub UpdateMaster( )
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A2:C2").Value = ""
End Sub
As I have selected the range A2:C2, that particular row alone is copied and refreshed.
If I want to copy number of rows starting from A2, let us say 1000 or 1200 rows, how can I proceed.