Hi Friends,
When I exporting data from excel to a table in the Access Database. It took all records except last record. I hope it may be wrong in loop. Please kindly rectify it. I attached my code below.
Sub ADOFromExcelToAccess()
' exports data from active worksheet to to a table in Access database
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim r As Long
' Connect to the access database
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & "Data Source=C:\Employee.mdb"
' open a record set
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "Emp", cn, adOpenKeyTest, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
' all records in a table
r = 2 ' the start row in the worksheet
Do While Len(Range("A" & r).Formula) > 0
With rs
' add values to each field in the record.
.Fields("Empno") = Range("A" & r).Value
.Fields("Empname") = Range("B" & r).Value
.Fields("Desig") = Range("C" & r).Value
.Fields("Address") = Range("D" & r).Value
.Fields("Contactno") = Range("E" & r).Value
.Fields("Salary") = Range("F" & r).Value
End With
r = r + 1 'next row
Set cn = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub