Alright basically the sales sheet should show any sales that the sales reps get and the data that should be displayed is the detailed information about what they sold, company, brand, size and then the information pertaining to what they sold: units sold, how many bottles per case(Std UOM Conv), is it a case pack or a sample (Std UOM), (Standard Units of Measure/ Conversion) cost to the seller (cost), how much each case was sold for (variable based on cases sold), percentage comission for product sold, gross sales, and profit. The Comission breakdown sheet is a more detailed look at just the comission portion of the data on sales sheet. The brands sheet is the sheet which contains the information for each product sold; company, brand, bottle size (size), Std UOM and Std UOM Conv, CP1 (cost point 1), U/S (units sold) required to "hit" CP1, CP2 and U/S required to "hit" CP2, same for CP3 and U/S, and comission paid for when that product is sold. The brandsdata sheet is basically some of the same information from brands but layed out differently and only information needed to enter a new sale is on brands data.

That is how it currently setup, so the goal is to be able to have a worksheet where new brands can be added by the user, and new sales can be added to figure out comission. To put it in another way, the user will add what the sales reps sold and that information should be pulled from the available brands for any given company. what is needed on the sales sheet is person that sold it, how many sold, the information about the sale, eaches per case etc., how much commission is paid. How much that sale made the selling company (the company the sales rep works for) gross and net, after cost to the selling company and commission paid to the sales rep.

sorry for the walls of text.