Hello all:
I am trying to figure out how to turn a daily report we receive for separate items into multiple running reports for each specific items. But the problem is that another person keeps inserting new products alphabetically and messes up my automated running totals (which are tied into a cell reference, like A2) and not a product name (like Cat).
What I'd love is to move all new names to the bottom (I don't care about alphabetization) and maintain the integrity of my previous list. Please advise!
Here's an example:
Sheet 1 - Daily Report for X.X.2009
Product Name / Sales / Expenses / Receipts
Ape (A2) / 5 / 7 / 9
Cat (A3) / 3 / 6 / 9
Dog (A4) / 4 / 3 / 6
Zebra (A5) / 2 / 7 / 3
That is what we receive every day and I want to turn it into a running list of daily numbers for each thing (ape, cat, dog, zebra) like so:
Sheet 2 - Monthly Numbers for Dog (A4)
10.1.09 / 4 / 3 / 2
10.2.09 / 1 / 3 / 2
10.3.09 / 3 / 6 / 8
All things being equal, I could create a macro for that, but here's the catch: Every so often accounting will just add a new product name (in alphabetical order!) so that it throws off all of my previous rows & totals!
So instead of importing A:3 = Cat, now all newly imported A3 numbers have to do with a newly inserted A2 in alphabetical order like Bear and Cat is now A=3. This obviously shifts all the below totals off 1 and I don't know how to get the list back to normal.
Ape (A2) / 5 / 7/ 9
Bear (A3) / 2 / 5 / 3
Cat (A4) / 6 / 3 / 2
This is where I get lost and am in need of advice.
How can I create a macro/script/filter that can maintain old alphabetical lists and search out new names (like bear, in this case) and move them to the bottom, so as to not disturb my previous cell references?
I am open to any type of solution and please ask if you need me to clarify.
Thanks in advance!