I have been saddled with a task that im not sure how to complete. The company I work for (a small retail store) uses Excel based pricing files. they have been manually changing pricing updates from vendors.
My question is: Can excell be made to do this ....
Parse the new price list file: Column A is always the Model number
Transfer the updated prices to the correct price line in the exsisting inventory file.
Inventory file shows
Column A: ....... Column B
#123 .............. $2.10
#456 .............. $3.14
#789 .............. $210.50
Its not always this cut and dry ... but thats the gist.I was hoping there would be a program that could automaticly scan the newer price file and be menu driven that could then deposit the information into the correct colums. Am i too hopefull ?
Thank you for the time you take responding to this, it is greatly appriciated.