yeah that was just left in there from when i started thinking of a way to do it. probley should have pulled that out before posting
roy I tryed it though it didnot work. im running this from Combobox_list... userfrom and the lisbox is in userform1.
so i put
Dim sSel As Integer
With UserForm1.ListBox1
For sSel = IIf(.ColumnHeads, 1, 0) To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(sSel) Then
Me.Label1.Caption = .List(sSel)
Me.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path _
& "\" & "Images" & "\" & "contacts" & "\" & Me.Label1.Caption)
End If
Next sSel
End With
you have a couple things in there i have never seen so im not sure if im doing it correctly.
im happy with the other code and going with one button it will work within the constraints of the form. though it would be great to understand what you are going for there