I am currently trying to write a macro which will open an embedded pdf file in from excel, open it in acrobat reader, automatically save a copy of it into a predesignated folder, and return to excel to repeat the process. I can't seem to retain control over acrobat after I open the embedded file. Does anyone have any ideas? Code is posted below.

Sub ExcelCopySaveExistingPdf()
    Dim MyDir As String
    Dim strPath As String
    Dim PDApp As AcroApp
    Dim PDDoc As AcroPDDoc
    MyDir = ActiveWorkbook.Path
    strPath = MyDir & "\Sample Touchpoint"
    On Error Resume Next
    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Object 23").Select
    Set PDApp = GetObject("Object 23", "Acrobat.AcroApp")
    Selection.Verb Verb:=xlOpen
    'Set PDApp = Selection
    If PDApp Is Nothing Then
        ' PowerPoint is not running, create new instance
        Set PDApp = CreateObject("Acrobat.AcroApp")
        Set PDDoc = PDApp.GetActiveDoc
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    'GoTo Line25
    On Error Resume Next
    If PDApp.Show = True Then
        ' There is at least one open Acro-doc
        ' Use existing Acro-doc
        Set PDDoc = AcroApp.ActiveDoc
        ' There are no Docs
        ' Create new one
        Set PDDoc = AcroPDDoc.Add
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0


    With PDDoc
    '.Save (strPath & "\TESTPRES.pdf")
    End With

    ' Clean up
    Set PDDoc = Nothing
    Set PDApp = Nothing

End Sub