Is it possibe to insert French characters (é and ê) into a cell using an on-screen form? The only method that works for me is the alt+ function. However, I do most of my French study on a laptop and the alt+ approach oesn't work easily. I have tried a Canadian Keyboard but the wife is not happy about me forgetting to switch the keyboard back to Eng again.
I found a symbolizer add-in from Chip Pearson Excel's site (http://www.cpearson.com/excel/chars.htm) but the problem is, if I am in a cell Excel won't give focus to the form to allow me to insert a French character. It will only work if I click outside the cell and then append the french character, which makes for slow typing.
Is it possible for someone to do a mock up of a form which displays a selected cell to let me type in a French sentence, append characters (possibly using a button fo a specific character) to paste the results back into the cell?
Appreciate some thoughts on it