I have a work sheet that I created to allow different information to be displayed based on the selection made in one cell. I can select a number from 1 to 32 from a drop down cell in cell BH20 and it places information intered in other cells into the correct cells. If I select 3 from BH20 then it enters the next row of information and so on. I would like for the sheet to high light or change the fill color of the cells that are selected based on the selection in BH20. Is there formula simular to conditional formatting that can do this?

If BH20=2, then background color for BH26, BI26, BJ26, BK26 = yellow
If BH20=3, then background color for BH27, BI27, BJ27, BK27 = yellow
and so one with the standard background of fill being white or another color