Background Information:
I am creating a DASHBOARD sheet to be at the beginning of my workbook with multiple sheets.
In DASHBOARD I have created a chart that contains client analysis formulas that reference to the appropriate client sheet name in the same workbook by reference to Cell C8. To do this, in each statistics formula I have used the Indirect reference: =INDIRECT("'" & C8 &"'!G3")
My next step is to make a dynamic button that also uses Cell C8 as the sheet name to jump to. AKA: I want the "Go" button to jump the user exactly to the client sheet which is named in cell C8.
I have used this simple VBA to use a button to jump to a sheet name:
I need help to make the sheet reference dynamically linked to the contents of Cell C8 which will have the exact worksheet name of any of the clients:
The following is my failed attempt to create a dynamic variable that depended on Cell C8:
Thank you for any and all of your help!