Hi all,

I have a rather tricky conditional formatting problem I need help with.

Im creating a milestone chart in MS Excel (as opposed to Project). The dates are listed along the top of the sheet and are done so according to week i.e. for Febuary 09 there are the cells for dates: 02-02, 09-02, 16-2, 23-02.

I currently have the following conditions relating to each task for dates throughout the year:

- If the start date of the task is between certain weeks (using an AND function) and the project is completed - colour the cell green

- If the start date of the task is between certain weeks (using an AND function) and the project is incomplete - colour the cell red.

Now this i where i have the problem...I need to add baseline dates..i.e. saying conditional format a cell with a border around it if the task date is between the dates.

I know I have to use VBA but i have no clue of what to write for the above action! If any1 can help it would be appreciated!