I am looking to run certain statistics in Excel and I was wondering if this was possible:
I want to calculate a certain number of people in a category on a spreadsheet by age and race and I wanted to know if it could be done in Excel. We do not have a specific program here to calculate statistics like SPSS.
I have a spreadsheet of patients with their information such as age, telephone number, Date of birth, race, location of cancer screen, date of cancer screen, and results of cancer screenings.
I have a lot of information and I was interested to know if I could select only certain columns (age, race, cancer result) to run the statistics. I need to make charts containing the number of people who screened for cancer and out of those people, how many were which race and how many were in each age group.
If this kind of data is possible to obtain in Excel, how do I go about doing that?
Thank you!!