Hello everyone,

I have an excel sheet with 20 charts, these charts are updated from time to time..and have to paste them in a powerpoint presentation.
I need a macro that copy every chart to a specific slide in my powerpoint template.
For example, Chart(1) must be paste in slide2, chart(2) must be paste in slide6 and so on...

I found on another forum a macro code that copies only one chart to one specific slide, I need to modified to copy one by one my charts to the specified slides in powerpoint..

Sub test_paste2()
Dim Sh As Shape
Dim PP As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPpres As PowerPoint.Presentation
'Create a PP application and make it visible
Set PP = New PowerPoint.Application
PP.Visible = msoCTrue
'Open the presentation you wish to copy to
Set PPpres = PP.Presentations.Open("C:\work\test1.ppt")
'Set the shape you want to copy
Set Sh = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes(1)
'Copy the shape
Sh.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
'And paste it on the second slide
Set Sh = Nothing
Set PP = Nothing
Set PPpres = Nothing

End Sub

If you have an idea how to modify this, to be useful for what I need...
I know that my be simple but I'm new to VBA and don't know how to do it

Thanks in advance