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I am not sure if I'm making myself as clear as I had intended.
Look at the following values in the formula bar:
C2: 09:15:00
C3: 02/01/1900 08:00:00
C4: 02/01/1900 09:15:00
Key, in XL dates are integers, time is decimal...ie noon = 0.5, 6am = 0.25 etc ... 24 hours = 1 - make sense ?
So the value in C2 represents just 9 hours & 15 minutes, the value in C3 however as we can see represents 2 days and 8 hours - ie 56 hours.
To demonstrate more graphically, apply a custom format to C2:C4 of: [h]:mm
You will see the following
C2: 09:15
C3: 56:00
C4: 57:15
so... if you add the Start Date and the Start Time for row 3 you will realise that you are in fact adding 56 hours to the Start Date whereas for the end date you're adding only 9 hours and 15 minutes (D3) to the same date ... therefore the start date is after the end date... this does not make sense.
So going back to my original point - your time values (cols C & D) should always be < 24 hours.