Hello, once again I have hit a brick wall (I seem to do it a lot).
What I would like to do is have 2 listboxes. In the first listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which contain the words "elective class: " in cell C7.
In the second listbox I would like the name of all the worksheets which do not contain the words "elective class: " in C7. I need this only to source from worksheet 7 onwards however.
The listboxes are called ListBox1 and ListBox2 respectively.
Also I am using this to print and I have a button which currently selects all the data in the first listbox and another button which prints all the selected data. The code being used for this is:
Dim iloop As Integer
For iloop = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount
If ListBox1.Selected(iloop - 1) = True Then
Sheets(ListBox1.List(iloop - 1, 0)).PrintOut
ListBox1.Selected(iloop - 1) = False
End If
What would I need to change this to to print anything selected in either listbox?
Finally out of interest since I am doing all of this to learn more than anything, is there a way to define which printer to print to so that even if the default printer is for example a non-colour one. Pressing a button saying perhaps "print colour" would always print to the colour printer?
Thanks always,