I'd like to make a table in excel, 5 columns wide. I'd like the amount of rows to be based on a value in a seperate cell.
If possible, I would like to have if dynamic, so if the number in the cell changes, so do the amount of rows.
thanks a bunch
I'd like to make a table in excel, 5 columns wide. I'd like the amount of rows to be based on a value in a seperate cell.
If possible, I would like to have if dynamic, so if the number in the cell changes, so do the amount of rows.
thanks a bunch
Create a Dynamic Named Range, which uses the OFFSET function.
One of the arguments in the OFFSET function calls for how many rows should be included. Set this argument to reference the cell containing the number of rows to return.
Search on Dynamic Named Ranges and post back if you need more help.
This is what Dynamic Named Ranges are for - to expand and contract automatically as the dataset changes in size to accomodate new entreis and deletions. No need to manually input a number to control the number of rows unless you have some other purpose for doing so.If possible, I would like to have if dynamic, so if the number in the cell changes, so do the amount of rows.
Last edited by Palmetto; 07-20-2009 at 02:20 PM.
from the Insert Menu -> Name -> Define
Type a name for the range in the textbox
In the refers to paste
This will create a range 5 Columns wide, starting in A1 and will expand rows by the value entered in H1
Hope that helps.
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could you show me a simple example? i dont know anything about coding, but if i see an example ill be able to decipher it.
say a table is like... B2:F4, which would be a 3 row five column table. Column b would have values 1, 2, and 3 for B2, B3, B4. Say A1 is a value (this case it would be 3). If I change it to 5, the table is then B2:F6, and column B reads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..
If i change A1 back to 3, the table reverts back and deletes the last 2 rows.
can you show me a simple example and give me some code to just plug in and change depending on the table location, etc.
I followed your steps, and I change the number in H1 and I don't see anything happen. Maybe I am not following.
See the attached for an example.
The named of the range is: MyTable
When you enter a value into cell H1, you will not see any visual change, but Excel is working behind the scene to adjust the size of the named range based on your input.
Open the attached and followed these steps to see the effect.
In cell H1, enter any value from 1 to 3
Press F5 key and the type "My Table" (w/o quotes) into the Reference, then press OK.
Excel will highlight the range.
Repeat the above using another value (1, 2 or 3) and you will see the change.
Last edited by Palmetto; 07-20-2009 at 03:14 PM. Reason: correct spelling & clarity
Thanks for all the help, but i dont think i was clear in my question.
i attached a worksheet of what i would like. it think it displays what i would like pretty clearly.
let me know what you think
can anybody else help with this?
thanks for all the help!
See attached.
this is almost what id like.
At the buttom of the table, I forgot to mention that I would like to sum the data in the above rows, so I need to be able to insert and delete rows between the header and the footer of the table.
with the excel sheet you provided, you cant do that.
this was my fault for not mentioning it before.
anybody have a macro for this??
I've seen what ineed on here but i dont know how to customize it.
table that is say 3 rows by 5 colums.
top row has header information (size, weight, etc)
middle row has data i need to input
last row has footer information (summed quantities)
i need to be able to make the middle rows greater or lesser depending on a cell value. i'd like for it to be dynamic as well
Please any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are willing to place your totals at the top of the table then it simplifies things greatly and avoids the unnecessary use of VBA code.
You only need to drag the cells down as far as needed to copy formulas and formats when new rows are required.
Optionally, format as many rows as you think you may ever need and let the table expand/contract based on the input cell. With the totals at the top of the table you don't need to scroll or accomodate any row insertions/deletions.
Can anybody give me some help with trying to accomplish what I have attached.
I have a list in excel that has X amount of rows. I would like to have the amount of rows be driven by the value in a cell.
Thank you very much!!
Why are you duplicating threads?
I answered this in your previous thread: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...ell-value.html
Threads merged. dch, please don't do that.
Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate
Thanks for the feedback.
I think this method will work ok, but I was hoping not to have to edit things so much if my number changes. Say i change from 152 to 145, i need to go back and delete things, whereas a macro will delete it for me.
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