Ok, time for an easy one 
Are Boolean variables ALWAYS initialised as FALSE when they are created?
I am wanting to leave a 'marker' in a function so that I know whether it is the first time it has been used or not. Something similar to this:
Private Sub MyFakeSub()
Static BeenHereBefore As Boolean
If Not BeenHereBefore Then
Call Init_Data
End If
' More code
This will work if I can rely on the fact that 'BeenHereBefore' is going to alway be initialised as FALSE, but I just wanted to check that was the case 
I should have said, obviously the above Sub would be called repeated from another routine.
Also I know that STATIC will cause it to retain it's value when this Sub is exited, but once all Subs have been exited and everything stops, if i was then to run the macro again would this variable reinitialise back to FALSE, or keep it's TRUE setting from the previous run?