Using Excel (from Office SBE 2003) from another PC. It's a membership list and I'm taking over from the previous Member. Sec.
The file's properties show that it is read only. I try to remove the check mark and apply but I'm told I need administrator privileges to do this. I'm the only one using my PC and I have a little applet which allows me to work as Administrator (or so I thought)
I'm running Vista home premium and the Office prog is activated. I need to be able to access the data in this file. Help welcome. I'm new to Vista from XP Pro and begin to wish I hadn't bothered.
My PC is a home brew, Gigabyte EPL 31, CPU Intel Dual. 4Gb SDRAM Gigabyte Graphics card, All the usual suspects hanging on the PC, CD R/RW, CD Rom, Scanner, 2 X Colour laser printers 1 Mono laser printer small internal network. Do a lot of newsletters for charities.

Help if possible.