Hi Friends / Geniuses / Observers
Wondering if you can help me to create a macro to send emails.
1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.
UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000
For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to john@example.com
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to peter@example.com
If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000
If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000
The currency is Rands (South Africa)
Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.
The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.
Thanks a million for you help!!