Hmmm, I've just downloaded my example file, and also your example market logs to another PC and run the update and all ran fine with no errors.
Are you using those example files or a larger group of files?
If you are using a larger group of input files then PM me and I'll send you my e-mail address for you to send a zip file to. There might be something 'strange' in one of the files.
As for the missing reports I noticed that there was nothing for "The Forge" when I ran against your sample data, but just took it to be that nothing matched.
I think now that there was a typo in one of your earlier messages:
The two stationIDs I'm interested in are
30003760 and 60004588,
there were no entries in the summary sheet with values from the stationID "
60003760" even with exports containing that station in the same directory
The reason there are no reports for 60003760, is because the filter is looking for 30003760 
To fix that go to top of the VBA file, and edit the constant "STATION_IDS_STRING" to contain the correct number, eg:
The Reset macro is run by the Update macro when it starts anyway, but is also offered to the user in case you want to clear the data for any other reason 
With regards to the Item names and min Vol Remaining on the User Input sheet, the macro will look down that list for an item, (there must be no gaps in the list). If the item is not found then it will use a 'min' of 1. This is done to save you having to enter every single item if you just want to know the price whatever the qty is