Hi all
Looking for a way to be able to tell if an email has arrived and when it was received ?
i have searched the forums and anything i found was about sending mail from excel :/
If somebody could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful. i have used V before (a long time ago) to make a database with individual inputs from multiple worksheets. but most of my knowledge needs a boot up the *** :D
when backup finishes successfully it sends me an email (done)
when that email is received by outlook it informs excel sheet there is a email from ......@...com
then excel displays a tick for the day or a color depending on when email was last received.
would it be better to have outlook talk to excel or have excel query outlook (i understand its less strain to have outlook talk to excel but im ok with it polling every 1 min so no worries)
All ideas Welcome
Thanks all in advance