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Find function with additional search criteria

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  1. #1
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    Find function with additional search criteria

    Hi all,

    I'm attempting to create a calendar of absence across the team, using a download of data from a HR system.

    The data contains various columns, with 2 in particular that I am trying to summarise on. SID : Username; & AbsenceDate : A list of dates.

    Within the summary page - I have a table that shows me SIDs as a list (Column C), and Dates going across (Row 3). I'm trying to get the table to then identify if that person is absent for that particular day, therefor creating a calendar effect absence tracker.

    I have attemted the below - using the array function, searching initially for the SID, and then searching for text (C$3 = Date) within the AbsenceDate column of the data.

    I just cant seem to get the Sum(If( function to work with the Find function.

    The data could also contain multiple entries for each SID, so need to be able to pick any of them up.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I have attached an example file for ease of understanding what I'm trying to do.

    Attached Files Attached Files

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