Hey guys,
This is the first VBA project i've done on Excel, and its not very big. I've never done any programming before, but i need help on this 
What i'm trying to do it to have the Combo box that when an item is selected the respective picture shows next to it (i've got a seperate sheet with the products, prices, pics etc...)
After trying everything to get the picture to show, i switched to VBA because it looked like i could do it in that. The first thing i did was record a macro for each picture - the first one goes like this (its called TEST)
Sub TEST()
' TEST Macro
End Sub
The first problem i had was with Sheets("Quotes").Select - for some reason it didn't like it and gave me an error. After some googling I solved it.
Now the problem i've got is with the Worksheet Change (is this the right thing to use?)
This is what i've got -
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If L4 = 1 (1 is the value that comes from the combo box) Then
End If
End Sub
Correct me if i'm wrong, but this should run every time something is changed on the sheets?
Nothing happens when I select the first value in my combo box.
Any help would be great 
Thanks =)