thanks for the reply romperstomper, just tried your suggestion but alas it doesn't work still
thanks for the reply romperstomper, just tried your suggestion but alas it doesn't work still
Have you tried restarting Excel? I'm guessing you are using an application level event sink? If so, it may be that the variable has been reset.
Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dead.
Hi, yes I've tried restarting Excel, this problem has been going for weeks, the whole pc has been restarted many times, I've 2 pc's on my desk, both with the same software, one works the other doesn't. It's as if Excel dosn't know the personal.xls sheet is there
I've just noticed one thing a bit strange, if I just open up the file I'm using by double clicking it on the first pc, then open up Visual Basic Editor, I see the file personal.xls in the list, if I open it on the other pc (same file) and look in the visual basic editor, it isn't in the list, is this of any help?
That would imply that on the other PC Personal.xls is either missing or is not in one of the XLSTART directories.
My thoughts exactly, but I've check and the setup is identical on both pc's, I've even copied the working personal.xls from the working pc to the other one, still no luck... by the way, thanks for your patience
I've just looked in the options within Excel looked at the General Tap, the default file loacation is the same on both pc's
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