Hi, i have found this code that will search a Dir then add hyperlinks, i need to do this with my sheet however, how do i modify this so as that the code will search cell ranges?

what i need it to do is search through E55 to E60 then J55 to J60 and apply a hyperlink to any cell with text in it.
the text in cell will be the name of a file in my root directory eg DYAIES-001, this text will always change as this is a template that many people will use.

directory patch e:\IsolationDataBase\IsolatorImages
i need to add the hyperlinks to the same cells mentioned above, not in another row like this one does
thanks for any help

    Dim FindText As String 
    Dim MyFolder As String 
    Dim MyFileCount As Integer 
    Dim MyFileName As String 
    Dim MyFileType As String 
    Dim f 
    Dim WS As  Worksheet 
    Set WS = ActiveSheet 
    MyFolder = "F:\" 
    Set stRange = WS.Range("D2") 
    Do While stRange.Offset(aa, 0).Value <> "" 
        FindText = stRange.Offset(aa, 0).Value 
        MyFileType = "*" & FindText & "*.*" ' = "*Test*.*"
         '- CHECK FILE NAMES
        With Application.FileSearch 
            .LookIn = MyFolder 
            .Filename = MyFileType 
            .SearchSubFolders = True ' True to search subfolders
             '- RESULTS
            MyFileCount = 0 
            If .Execute() > 0 Then 
                MyFileCount = .FoundFiles.Count 
                For f = 1 To MyFileCount 
                    FoundRow = FoundRow + 1 
                    MyFileName = .FoundFiles(f) 
                    WS.Range("E" & CStr(FoundRow)).Value = WS.Range("E" & CStr(FoundRow)).Value & " " & MyFileName 
                    WS.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=WS.Range("E" & CStr(FoundRow)), Address:=MyFileName, TextToDisplay:=MyFileName 
                 MsgBox ("Search for file names containing : " & FindText & vbCr _ 
                & "No matches found") 
                Exit Sub 
            End If 
        End With 
        aa = aa + 1 
        totalFileCount = totalFileCount + MyFileCount 
     '- finish
    MsgBox ("Found " & totalFileCount & " file names.") 
End Sub