I want to make my home budget a little smarter.
I want to add a function that makes it possible to change the start month in my budget sheet (Budget sheet with possibility to change start month) from a drop down box. When start month changed I want the starting month column cells to point at cells from the chosen starting month on another budget sheet (Main budget sheet) that holds the income and expenses.
I have seen this on my internetbank and I would like to be able to fast see how my budget looks when another starting month is chosen.
I also would like to choose the other 11 months from drop down boxes and get the data from the main budget corresponding to the month chosen. It would be smart if it could automatically select the correct months in the next 11 columns when starting month is chosen. I guess it could be som simple VB programming?
I appreciate all the help you can give me as this something I really would like to add.
Kind Regards Christian