As suggested just use a message box
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Pop up to double check
Select Case MsgBox("This will clear all ntries from the form. Do you want to do this?", vbOKCancel Or vbQuestion Or vbDefaultButton1, "Continue")
Case vbOK
'Clear Page One
With Me
.Actnumber1.Value = ""
.How1.Value = ""
.Whoact11.Value = ""
.Whoact12.Value = ""
.Whoact13.Value = ""
.Act1Date.Value = ""
.Comp11.Value = ""
.Result11.Value = ""
End With
Case vbCancel
End Select
End Sub
This would be simpler
Option Explicit
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
'Pop up to double check
Select Case MsgBox("This will clear all ntries from the form. Do you want to do this?", vbOKCancel Or vbQuestion Or vbDefaultButton1, "Continue")
Case vbOK
'Clear Page One
Unload Me
userform1.Show '<- change userform name as necessary
End Select
End Sub