Hi Guys,
I'm a newbie at vba. I want to write a vba script that copies 73 cells from a specific row in an excel sheet and pastes them in a single column in 73 rows in a new document. It then goes back to the old document and copies 73 cells from the next row and pastes them in the new document.
I want to do the following things using the macro
1. Open a old.xls document
2. Open a new new.xls workbook
3. Copy a range of data from (D9:BX9) //73 cells from old.xls
4. Paste the copied data from (D2:D74) in new.xls
5. Go back to data.xls document
6. Copy the range from (D10:BX10)
7. Go back to new.xls (opened earlier) and pastes it in (D75:148)
8. Continues in loop until it reaches an empty cell in data.xls
9. Saves the new.xls and exits
I'm trying to use a script I found online and modified a bit. I now just can't make it work. I would be much obliged if someone could help me with this.
Sub Copying() Application.ScreenUpdating = False MyBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' Get name of this book Workbooks.Add ' Open a new workbook ThatBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name ' Save name of new book intRowi = 9 intColis = 4 intColie = 77 intRowo = 2 intColos = 4 intColoe = intColos +73 Do Until objExcel.Cells(intRowi,intColis).Value = "" a= objExcel.Cells(intRow, intColumn).Value Workbooks(MyBook).Activate ' Back to original book Worksheets("old").Activate Range("intRowi intColis:intRowi intColie").Select Selection.Copy Workbooks(ThatBook).Activate Range("intRowo intColos: IntRowo intColoe").Select Selection.Paste Paste:=xlValues Selection.Paste Paste:=xlFormats intRowi = intRow + 1 intColos = intColoe + 1 intColoe = intColos +73 Loop SaveAs ("C:\new.xls") ActiveWorkbook.Close False Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub