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change text color based on background color

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  1. #1
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    change text color based on background color

    I have a report that lists information about different phases of several projects. When others make changes to the sheet, they change the font color of those changes to red. Then after our weekly meeting I go through and change all the red text to black or white (depending on the background color of the cell).
    I would like to have a macro that will do this for me as it is very time consuming.

    So I'm looking for code that will do the following:
    for the cells in columns N,M,Q,R and T,
    if the background color is RGB(208, 192, 98), then fontcolor is Black
    if the background color is RGB(255, 0, 0), then fontcolor is white,

    I tried to patch together some code (as follows) but it wasn't working.

    Sub OldChanges()
    Dim Row As Integer
    Dim Back As Boolean
      For Row = 5 To 200
        Back = ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, N).Interior.Color
        If Back = RGB(208, 192, 98) Then
        ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, N).Font.ColorIndex = 1
    ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, N).Font.ColorIndex = 2
    End If
    Next Row
    End Sub
    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
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    Re: change text color based on background color


    I think it has to do with the RGB setting a colorindex that is the nearest to it in the palette you are using, so the resulting color may not be the same as the one that you think you have nominated.

    This will have to be adapted for your loop but try something like

    Range("A1").Interior.Color = RGB(208, 192, 98)
      holder = Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex
      Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
      If ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = holder Then
        ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 1
        ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 2
      End If
    What I've done is select a cell that has no color, put in the color you have nominated, determined which colorindex that results, then return it to no color (simplistically speaking). Then you test against that resulting colorindex.



  3. #3
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: change text color based on background color

    Hello great.bean,

    Welcome to the Forum!

    This is an expanded version of Rylo's macro. This will start at row 5 in columns M,N,P,R, and T and change the font colors based upon the cell's color.

    NOTE: This macro will not work if the cells' color is set by Conditional Formatting!
    Sub OldChanges1()
     'Cell Interior Colors
      Const ciRed As Long = 3
      Const ciGray As Long = 15
     'Font Colors
      Const fcBlack As Long = 1
      Const fcWhite As Long = 2
      Dim C As Long
      Dim colArea As Range
      Dim LastCell As Range
      Dim R As Long
      Dim Rng As Range
        Set Rng = Range("M:N,Q:R,T:T")
        For Each colArea In Rng.Areas
          Set LastCell = colArea.Find("*", , xlFormulas, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlPrevious, False)
            If Not LastCell Is Nothing Then
              C = LastCell.Column
              For R = 5 To LastCell.Row
                Select Case Cells(R, C).Interior.ColorIndex
                  Case ciRed
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcWhite
                  Case ciGray
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcBlack
                End Select
              Next R
            End If
        Next colArea
     End Sub
    Adding the Macro
    1. Copy the macro above pressing the keys CTRL+C
    2. Open your workbook
    3. Press the keys ALT+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
    4. Press the keys ALT+I to activate the Insert menu
    5. Press M to insert a Standard Module
    6. Paste the code by pressing the keys CTRL+V
    7. Make any custom changes to the macro if needed at this time.
    8. Save the Macro by pressing the keys CTRL+S
    9. Press the keys ALT+Q to exit the Editor, and return to Excel.

    To Run the Macro...
    To run the macro from Excel, open the workbook, and press ALT+F8 to display the Run Macro Dialog. Double Click the macro's name to Run it.
    Leith Ross

    Remember To Do the Following....

    1. Use code tags. Place [CODE] before the first line of code and [/CODE] after the last line of code.
    2. Thank those who have helped you by clicking the Star below the post.
    3. Please mark your post [SOLVED] if it has been answered satisfactorily.

    Old Scottish Proverb...
    Luathaid gu deanamh maille! (Rushing causes delays!)

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    Re: change text color based on background color

    Thank you so much. That is just what I need. Thank you especially for your explicet step by step instructions.

    One problem is that I am working in a report that my boss created, and his background colors are not in the Colorindex list.
    I think it would work to see if the background color maches a refference cell perhaps something like this:

    Sub OldChanges1()
      Dim rCurrent As Range
      Dim rMissed As Range
      Dim rCompleted As Range
      rCurrent = Range("'Reference (DO NOT DELETE)'!A1")
      rMissed = Range("'Reference (DO NOT DELETE)'!A3")
      rCompleted = Range("'Reference (DO NOT DELETE)'!A2")
     'Cell Interior Colors
      Const ciBrown As Long = rCurrent.Interior.ColorIndex
      Const ciBlue As Long = rCompleted.Interior.ColorIndex
      Const ciPink As Long = rMissed.Interior.ColorIndex
      Const ciWhite As Long = 2
     'Font Colors
      Const fcBlack As Long = 1
      Const fcWhite As Long = 2
      Dim C As Long
      Dim colArea As Range
      Dim LastCell As Range
      Dim R As Long
      Dim Rng As Range
        Set Rng = Range("H:H,M:N,P:Q,S:T,V:W,Y:Y,AA:AB,AD:AE,AG:AG")
        For Each colArea In Rng.Areas
          Set LastCell = colArea.Find("*", , xlFormulas, xlWhole, xlByRows, xlPrevious, False)
            If Not LastCell Is Nothing Then
              C = LastCell.Column
              For R = 5 To LastCell.Row
                Select Case Cells(R, C).Interior.ColorIndex
                  Case ciBlue
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcWhite
                  Case ciWhite
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcBlack
                  Case ciBrown
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcBlack
                  Case ciPink
                    Cells(R, C).Font.ColorIndex = fcBlack
                End Select
              Next R
            End If
        Next colArea
     End Sub
    I tried that, but it won't set that colorindex as a constant. Any thoughts?


  5. #5
    Forum Moderator Leith Ross's Avatar
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    Re: change text color based on background color

    Hello great.bean,

    The background colors of the cells are controlled by Excel's color palette of 56 predefined colors. Each color has a unique number. This is the ColorIndex. To say that background colors are not in the ColorIndex list, suggests to me, he may have defined some custom colors or the boss' monitor is not rendering the colors same as on your machine.

    Here is how you can retrieve the ColorIndex of the ActiveCell. Select the cell you want the ColorIndex for, and run this macro using ALT+F8. The message box will display the value.
    Sub GetColorIndex()
        Dim CI As Long
          CI = ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex
          MsgBox ActiveCell.Address & " Color Index is " & Str(CI)
    End Sub
    Adding the Macro
    1. Copy the macro above pressing the keys CTRL+C
    2. Open your workbook
    3. Press the keys ALT+F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor
    4. Press the keys ALT+I to activate the Insert menu
    5. Press M to insert a Standard Module
    6. Paste the code by pressing the keys CTRL+V
    7. Make any custom changes to the macro if needed at this time.
    8. Save the Macro by pressing the keys CTRL+S
    9. Press the keys ALT+Q to exit the Editor, and return to Excel.

    To Run the Macro...
    To run the macro from Excel, open the workbook, and press ALT+F8 to display the Run Macro Dialog. Double Click the macro's name to Run it.

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