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Excel Stopwatch to record bike laps

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    Excel Stopwatch to record bike laps

    Hi all, I hope someone can help please.

    What I'm after is similar to the attached file I've put up (which has been floating around on the net for a while), but instead of having the 'record' button to do the work, i'd like to be able to type the bike's number that's about to cross the lap line in cell A4 and then, as he does so, hit the enter button to record the data (just as the 'record' button currently does).
    It's only possible for one rider to cross the line at a time so that's not an issue.

    Then what i'd like is for the cell focus to move down to A5, ready for the next bike's number to be quickly typed in and entered, and so on, and so on.

    In other words at the end of the race I'll have a list of bike rider's numbers (same riders more than once) down column A in the order they crossed the line.
    Down the timer columns ("e,f,g,h & i") it will have the times with reference to the original starting time (Just as it already does)

    I could then take the rider's number from column A and deduct each recorded time from his previous to display his time for each 'Lap'

    Hopefully this makes sense and is achievable.

    And hopefully someone can be of help
    Thanks all.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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