I am currently working on a project that will track personnel while they are waiting for inter-department transfers. Once they have been waiting for 90 days we have to notify our manager for further instructions.
I have a button located in the upper left hand corner that when pressed activates the macro (launches a dialogue box for user data entry). I want to use two separate Excel Formula in the macro but I can't seem to get them to work. I want the formulas in the macro not in the cell because I know that in time someone will select an entire row and press delete, thus taking away the cell formatting/formula. I have been able to make some progress but cant find the correct syntax for the formulas.
I have looked through the forum library for guidance (i.e. examples) before asking my question but wasn't able to quite find what I was looking for. Any help with this would be great. Thanks.
Here is a copy of my code:
The formulas that I am trying to use are as follows:
Task 1: In Column(K3) titled "Release Date" I need to add the value of +90 days based on the date value entered in Column(G3) titled "Qualified Date". I tried in the cell K3 =G3+90 and I get the desired results but I would like it to be part of the macro itself.
Task 2: In Column(L3) titled "Hold/Release" I want to use the IF Function.
I tried the following formula:
It works in the cell but I would like to have it work as part of the macro.
Thank You for your time and excellence.
Please see attachment.