Not sure how too do this if it can be done. I just want a way too search names and show all the data for that name.
Not sure how too do this if it can be done. I just want a way too search names and show all the data for that name.
Last edited by zplugger; 04-11-2009 at 01:17 PM.
Yup it can, a few different ways to go about it.
Because of the number of actor names you're going to have, I wouldn't recommend a drop down list, since it'll be crazy long. I'll put something together for you and send it off shortly.
Thanks, looking forward too your idea.
Otay, so....
Mighta got a little carried away, but hey, if you're going to do something, might as well do it right.
You've got a listbox in which you can enter whatever you'd like to search for. Next to the listbox, there is a drop down list, with which you can choose to search by movie name, actor name, or genre.
Pressing the Enter key on your keyboard will activate the search, which will check the corresponding column based on your drop down list choice, and return all results. If no results are found, a happy little message box tells you that there were no matches.
Macros must be enabled.
(This means that when you open it, you'll likely get a warning just above the formula bar on your excel screen. You have to click that options button and allow macros for the code to run)
There're ways to do stuff like this with formula, but this seems to me the most fluent system for a search engine, Having said that, someone else will likely come along and post a much better solution :P
Lemme know how it works for ya.
Last edited by mewingkitty; 04-10-2009 at 02:51 PM.
Oh, one last thing.
It'll continue to search through sheet 2 until it finds a blank cell in sheet 2 column 1. Keep that in mind. If you have a blank row part way through, it'll stop searching once it hits that blank.
Oh, and use the attached version instead of the original posted there, i've adapted the code to clear the previous search to work the same way as the search itself.
Great Job,its works perfect. My problem is spelling LOL, Can I input the names in a list and pick from a drop down box? I would not put all actors in, just some. I have a lot of movies so what would I change too read 6 pages. You did a nice job on this,Thank you very much.
Hello zplugger,
This version will ignore leading and trailing spaces, and case. It will also show you the list as you type. Just click the button on Sheet1 to activate the database form.
Leith Ross
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Old Scottish Proverb...
Luathaid gu deanamh maille! (Rushing causes delays!)
Thanks too everyone on suggestions too make this work, the last one that Leith made was neat,but can we add the number of the movie too?
Hello Larry,
What do you mean by add the movie number?
Perhaps wrong of me but a non Excel advice.
If you realy want a good move organizer program try Googlin for "MovieOrganizer" a freeware program with lots of options.
Last edited by Alf; 04-11-2009 at 01:53 AM. Reason: Spelling
Good Morning Leith, in colume (C ) I have a number and it tells me where the movie is at on my rack.
Hello Larry,
I made the change to show the location of the movie in the list. Let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks Leith this will work perfect,have a great day.
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