Hi guys. I have been rading these boards for while to get bits of help here and there as my job doesnt usually require a great deal of excel knowledge. I just like to automate as much of my work as I can.
After all that gibberish, my question is this:
I have a very large amount of data that changes on a month by month basis. What i'd LOVE is a user prompted interface that changes everything for me, failiing that, i need a macro to make the process a little smoother.
I have about 30 - 40 vehicles. Every month I have to update the KM's they have travelled.
What I am after is a macro that will change the last date (which in the attached SS is 01/02/09) to the new date, in this case 01/03/09 (which is in cell N2). It then needs to copy all the data bar the top row of information of each vehicle, and move it up one row. The start (km) of the new month should then reflect the end (km) of the previous month. It then needs to delete the new end (km) and Fuel (ltr)
I will need to run this macro around 30 to 40 times. There are different headings all down the page but the length of each vehicle entry is the same amount of columns and rows each time.
Admittedly I would LOVE to have a user input that would ask me the plate number (eddy1, 2, 3 etc) then ask me the end km and fuel amount and do the above macro in the background. VERY greedy I know.
Any help is much appreciated, and sorry for the waffling. I didnt really know how to ask concisely.