As I don't entirely understand your problem, this is sort of a stab in the dark...
I think your formulas on your "formula" sheet need to be able to return values for multiple sets of data simultaneously to different lines of your "mod calcs" sheet. For example, I think that right now in your formula page, your area formula is on line 1, your volume formula on line 2, and your temp formula on line 3. You want to do a lookup to select the correct formula then return the result.
If this is the case, maybe you need to perform all possible calculations (in your formula sheet) on all lines of data in your "mod calcs" sheet. In this case, your formula and results for area would occupy the first few columns, then volume would occupy the next few columns, then temp..... Each line in your formulas sheet would reference each line in your mod calcs sheet. To get only the result for the calculation you want to perform, you would need another lookup table.
This lookup would be nested in your result lookup and indicate which column to pull the result from... Hope this makes sense...
Alternatively, you could create your own formula with your own inputs using VBA. More info would be helpful.