In the past I have tried this but did not get help but I hope this time I get some kind of help because I am dying for help now. I have several pivot tables in my workbook with one data source. The data is extremely huge so I pulled the data from Access Database using EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE method in excel. So now I have my huge data in the pivot cache; what I would like to see is when user selects a Region from the pivot table, I want the user to be able to save the excel workbook with the Region he/she selected only. For instance, if the user selects East region, I want them to be able to save the whole workbook with East data only and exclude the rest. I have researched online and found some codes but could not figure out how to utilize it. I have attached small sample file for more details. Below is code I found on internet and it may be helpful to you. Thank in advance for your help
Change the Pivot Cache
'If you have created several pivot tables in a workbook, you may find it more 'fficient to use the same pivot cache for all the pivot tables. The following code will change the pivot cache for each pivot table in the workbook.
Sub ChangePivotCache()
'change pivot cache for all pivot tables in workbook
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim wks As Worksheet
For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each pt In wks.PivotTables
pt.CacheIndex = Sheets("Pivot").PivotTables(1).CacheIndex
Next pt
Next wks
End Sub