This is difficult to explain which is why i uploaded my file but basically i have an order book. The orders have classifications - emergency, plan, stock and specified. The order number is listed beside each part in the order as some orders have multiple parts. The dispatch date is then noted down against each part of the order - only when all parts of the order have shipped can i class the order as shipped. I then measure these shipped orders against their classification in cells J62 to 65.
The equation is three fold, it needs to check order classification, identify the unique order numbers, then recognise when all parts of an order have a date noted. It may be a variation on the formula used to count the orders in each class -=COUNT(1/FREQUENCY(IF($C$11:$C$44="Emergency",MATCH($J$11:$J$44,$J$11:$J$44,0)),ROW($J$11:$J$44)-ROW($J$11)))
After i achieve this i want to count all orders shipped in Jan, Feb, March etc
Cannot anyone help - i'm close to finishing this but as you can see from my sheet the best i have managed so far is classing an order as shipped even when 1 of its parts has shipped. The two results boxes reflects the 2 methods i have used to get my results.