Hi there, I've been using the forum for weeks and it's been an awesome resource. Having fun leaning and applying here but I've stumbled onto an issue I can't resolve.
I've got a text field that looks like this:
++ Information in bullet point 1 ++ Information in bullet point 2 ++ Information in bullet point 3
I need a code sample that will give me an output that results in a bullet list using Char(149) to replace "++". I've tried a few things but I can't figure out how to NOT get the macro to put a 'newline' in front of the first bullet.
The desired output would be this (where * = Char(149)):
* Information in bullet point 1
* Information in bullet point 2
* Information in bullet point 3
But I keep getting:
[extra line space]
* Information in bullet point 1
* Information in bullet point 2
* Information in bullet point 3
Can anyone help with this one!