Hi, I want to create a function or vba code for a column IF any text in that column is = to Selfpay turn them all to Red text. I want to do this without using conditional formula. Thanks
Hi, I want to create a function or vba code for a column IF any text in that column is = to Selfpay turn them all to Red text. I want to do this without using conditional formula. Thanks
What does "them all" mean? All cells with that data value or the whole column?
I would like to have a range like K5:K70.
Adjust the range to the column and cell range you want "watched", then put this macro into the sheet module:
Sub worksheet_calculate() Dim cell As Range, rng As Range Set rng = Range("K5:K70") For Each cell In rng If cell.Value = "Selfpay" Then With cell.Interior .ColorIndex = 3 .Pattern = xlSolid End With Else cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If Next cell End Sub
Last edited by JBeaucaire; 03-10-2009 at 02:20 PM. Reason: Fixed color to change to RED.
Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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Sub FindSelfpays() Dim rRange As Range Dim rCell As Range Dim sFirstAdd As String Set rRange = Range("A5:M70") 'Change this to suit your needs On Error Resume Next Set rCell = rRange.Find("Selfpay") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 sFirstAdd = rCell.Address Do Range(Cells(5, rCell.Column), Cells(70, rCell.Column)).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Set rCell = rRange.Find("Selfpay", rCell) Loop Until rCell.Address = sFirstAdd Set rCell = Nothing Set rRange = Nothing End Sub
Or, if you only want it to happen when you first enter SELFPAY into the cells, and not check the cells all the time (meaning there are no formulas changing those values), then use this instead:
This occurs in real time but only when you type in those cells.![]()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("K5:K70")) Is Nothing Then If Target.Value = "Selfpay" Then With Target.Interior .ColorIndex = 3 .Pattern = xlSolid End With Else Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If End If End Sub
The previous macro I provided occurs in real time and will update those cell color even if formulas are possible changing their value.
If you want "live conditional formatting" (you should probably use conditional formatting - but let's ignore that for now) then you can use a worksheet_change event macro but remember this will remove the undo functionality for that sheet . If you do want this, I would recommend a macro which actively finds each instance of "selfpay" then formats the range, instead of a macro which searches every single cell of the range by default - macros which operate on _change should be very "light".
Hi the code works great, it changed the color when I run the macro. It there a way that this code will automatically run in the background? let's say I enter "selfpay" in column K it will automatically change the color without me running the macro? Thanks
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rRange As Range Dim rCell As Range Dim sFirstAdd As String Set rRange = Range("A5:M70") 'Change this to suit your needs If Intersect(Target, rrange) Is Nothing Then exit sub On Error Resume Next Set rCell = rRange.Find("Selfpay") If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 sFirstAdd = rCell.Address Do Range(Cells(5, rCell.Column), Cells(70, rCell.Column)).Font.ColorIndex = 3 'also adjust the 5 and 70 here to change the top and bottom rows Set rCell = rRange.Find("Selfpay", rCell) Loop Until rCell.Address = sFirstAdd Set rCell = Nothing Set rRange = Nothing End Sub
Last edited by Cheeky Charlie; 03-10-2009 at 02:40 PM. Reason: hot to change font colour application area
Perhaps you could be more clearIF any text in that column is = to Selfpay turn them all to Red text.
this certainly didn't help:
as it implies the whole column within a given tableI would like to have a range like K5:K70
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rRange As Range Dim rCell As Range Dim sFirstAdd As String Set rRange = Range("A5:M70") 'Change this to suit your needs If Intersect(Target, rRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next Set rCell = Intersect(Target, rRange).Find("Selfpay") If rcell is nothing Then Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 sFirstAdd = rCell.Address Do rCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Set rCell = Intersect(Target, rRange).Find("Selfpay", rCell) Loop Until rCell.Address = sFirstAdd Set rCell = Nothing Set rRange = Nothing End Sub
Last edited by Cheeky Charlie; 03-10-2009 at 02:46 PM. Reason: wrong error check!
I am sorry if I did not explain clear enough, I want a vba code that will change the color of the text or the field to red if "Selfpay" is located under column K (let's just assume the range is K5:K70).
JBeaucaire's Macro works great, but is there anyway I can make it to work without running the marco? (Column K is a list box, assume if I select Selfpay it will automatically change the color?)
Cheeky Charlie, I tried your code but it doesn't do anything, maybe I am doing something wrong where should I put the code under? or module? I am a novice excel user...
Update 1 (I put the code under the sheet and it works PERFECTLY) Thanks alot Cheeky
UPdate 2 (If it was Selfpay and I select another option, it remains red) let's say if it was selfpay (red) and I change it to something else it should turn black.
Last edited by jimjaix; 03-10-2009 at 02:59 PM.
My original, like JB's was based on a one-time run
This should now reset![]()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rRange As Range Dim rCell As Range Dim sFirstAdd As String Set rRange = Range("A5:M70") 'Change this to suit your needs If Intersect(Target, rRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next Set rCell = Intersect(Target, rRange).Find("Selfpay") If rcell is nothing Then intersect(target,rrange).font.colorindex = 1 Exit Sub end if On Error GoTo 0 sFirstAdd = rCell.Address Do rCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Set rCell = Intersect(Target, rRange).Find("Selfpay", rCell) Loop Until rCell.Address = sFirstAdd Set rCell = Nothing Set rRange = Nothing End Sub
Mine is not a manual macro. You should not be running it manually. Right-click on the sheet-tab name where this is supposed to run and VIEW CODE...paste the macro in there.
Mine were designed to operate on their own if you put them in the SHEET module.
oops - one was on calculate, t'other on change - why the difference?
The Calculate version is in case there are formulas in column K making changes to the pay selection. If some other cell changes a value and THAT changes the column K value, it won't change the color unless it's a Worksheet_Calculate event.
The WorkSheet_Change version only works when manual changes are being made IN column K. Significant difference.
JBeaucaire & Cheeky Charlie I have something that's similar to this, instead of looking for the word “Selfpay” I want to do a date comparison. I have a list of date in a column I; I want the data to be in red text if it’s greater than today(). How do I implement something like this?
Use conditional formatting...
Any ways to do it without using conditinoal formula?
Why don't you want to use conditional formatting?
just don't want to lol... I want to learn more about coding and stuff
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