I would like to avoid placing a function in a worksheet but I have a couple of situations where I can't seem to get around it.
The first case is the Worksheet_FollowHyperLink function.
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim FriendlyName As String
Dim FirstRow As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim RowValue As Long
Dim ActualTag As String
FriendlyTagName = Target.Range.Value
FirstRow = 2
LastRow = Worksheets("TagGroups").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).row
RowValue = Application.Match(FriendlyTagName, Worksheets("TagGroups").Range("c1:c210"), 0)
ActualTag = Worksheets("TagGroups").Cells(RowValue, 2)
Sheet3.UpdateTrend ActualTag
End Sub
Another interesting thing here is that I had to Use
Sheet3.UpdateTrend Actual Tag
and could not use
Worksheets("Trend").UpdateTrend Actual Tag
The second case is where there is an object in the worksheet I need to access
Dim T1, T2 As Date
Public Sub UpdateTrend(tag As String)
Dim T1, T2 As Date
Dim i As Integer
' Dim CurTag As TrendTag
T2 = Now()
T1 = T2 - 20
Server = Worksheets("Configuration").Cells(1, 2)
Map = ""
If (Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TrendTags.Count > 0) Then
' if there are already tags in the plot, clear it
End If
Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TrendTags.Add Server, Map, tag
' Dim CurTag As AtBasicPlotsCtl.TrendTag
' update plot control's time
Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.Time.SetTimeRange T1, T2
' also update chart times - they should update automatically, but do not currently
Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TrendChart.TimeScale.SetTimeRange T1, T2
' also get new data - SetTimeRange should probably respond automatically
' but it does not currently, so just reset time server to force an update
Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TimeServer = Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TimeServer
'Cycle through all the tags setting the scaling type
NumTags = Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TrendTags.Count
For i = 1 To NumTags
Set CurTag = TrendPlot1.TrendTags.Item(i)
CurTag.Scaling.Scaling = 0
CurTag.PropertiesChanged 'Force drawing to update
End Sub
In this case, I could refer to the object using
some times but I could not use it in the line where I set CurTag
Set CurTag = Worksheets("Trend").TrendPlot1.TrendTags.Item(i)
did not work. If It had I would ahve been able to place the sub in a module
Apprecaite any comments or assistance.
Take Care